Stop using Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V

Copy paste cannot be applied in systems.

Well not in complex, multi-minded systems (eww, technical talk).

What do I mean?

All systems are not equal. They have been divided up in several different ways by various disciplines but to keep it simple here lets look at three types of systems:

  1. Mindless systems - this is your typical mechanical view of the world. At it’s core is the idea that all systems can be broken down into individual parts which have a particular function. Therefore, each part can be replaced, and there is clarity on how each part impacts other parts. Neither the system on total or the parts have a choice.

  2. Uniminded systems - this is what we generally think of as biological systems. When applied to organisations - we think of them as having a purpose and all the parts are working towards this purpose. What purpose? Survival which in organisational language is growth. In this case the system overall (the organisation) has a choice, but the parts do not (e.g. staff just come and do work they are told to do).

  3. Multi-minded systems - is a different way of thinking about organisations where we consider that BOTH the organisation has a choice as well as the parts (the people). Aka there are a LOT of moving parts and they all impact each other. Like the chess player anticipating their opponents move, while also considering what move they think the opponent thinks they will make. It really can make your head spin.

Why does this matter?

Because if we see systems as multi-minded we cannot simply copy+paste solutions and ideas from one system to another.

Each system needs to be considered on it’s own (which is also always changing).

So if anyone tells you this product /service / initiative / framework / method works really well and you should adopt it - PAUSE. Take inspiration from it, be guided by it BUT always, always consider your own context.


Your Context is Always Changing


It all starts with a relationship.